Échantillons de tissus
Échantillons de tissus
Si vous souhaitez toucher, sentir et voir un type particulier de matériau, avant de recevoir une commande complète, vous pouvez désormais commander des échantillons de tissu, d'une longueur d'un quart de mètre, ou de petits échantillons de 3' x 5", pour tenir dans une enveloppe.
Veuillez mentionner lors du paiement quels échantillons vous recherchez.
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Caractéristiques du produit
Entretien des tissus
Entretien des tissus
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I've ordered so many samples now. If I could have a swatch for every fabric they offer, I would. I love getting to touch and wash my samples before purchasing what I need. The swatches are a good size, and cut with pinking shears. Kinderel is my go to shop for all my projects. They are very responsive and shipping is fast. I love this company and there products!
As described - good way to sample what you're interested in.
I received the swatches in 10 days. The quality is very nice, and the size of the swatches are wonderful! They are about 65"x12.5" which is amazing when trying to figure out if it is the right fabric desired for your project. Liana was extremely helpful when I requested the swatches. I am very pleased!
Always excited to open the packages from this shop! The quality of the fabrics are actually better than the pictures if that’s possible. The bamboo jersey is buttery soft and easy to sew with. Super quick shipping so order a sample or two if your unsure and you will not be sorry.
Amazing fabric! The bamboo fabric is buttery soft and smooth. My daughter has sensory issuess so I am going to make her some tops with this fabric. Swatches were much bigger than expected. Shipping was fast. Can't wait to buy some yardage of this fabric to start sewing. Thank you!!